Steam achievement manager time played
Steam achievement manager time played


If you don’t have even a passing interest in this, then knowing how to game the system more effectively isn’t likely to change your mind. While the risk of lost credentials or VAC banning is small with the right tools, are these utilities worth that extra risk? The answer comes down to how you feel about collecting Steam cards and how you plan your approach to the hobby. While there have been few problems with the right tools, proceed at your own risk. Idle Master, in comparison, no longer appears to be supported. It also gets more updates and support to its open source code, so it’s the pick of the two and more popular with the Steam card community these days. Archi Steam Farm doesn’t require the Steam client running to be active, and supports multiple accounts. If the idea of a VAC ban unnerves you, Archi Steam Farm (ASF) avoids Steam Idle Master’s occasional VAC issues by using a different mechanism to trigger card drops. Steam Idle Master documentation and FAQs warn of VAC errors if you run the utility along with a secured game simultaneously, so make sure you close out of it and then exit Steam completely before reopening Steam and playing any games protected by SteamGuard. It’s not clear what Valve thinks of this practice, but people have been using Steam idle utilities for years with few issues. Which should you use? We'll lay out the details below, but we recommend Archi Steam Farm for your card collecting needs.

Steam achievement manager time played